Post 156; Oct. 1, 2020

User comment: Hello Victor, any personal opinion on Bentley Systems (A2QDK6)? All the best!

Victor: Sorry, that one was not on my radar. On our exchange it has the ticker symbol BSY.  Software provider that went public on September 22 about a week ago. Looks like they had a nice bump on their IPO day from $22 to $30.  I would have to delve into the financials to check them out and see what kind of grout they’ve had.  Thanks for bringing them to my attention. I’ll check it out.

If you’ve been paying attention, many of our stocks are hitting 52 week high‘s in a portfolio has had repeated all time highs over the past week or so. Days like today, shown above, when the overall market is flat or down, many of these stocks have been screaming higher.  While I am remaining prudent, I’m still optimistic regardless of who wins the election. It has been stated, liquidity trumps everything else.  I don’t see a reduction in assistance, help and Govt support in the next 6 months and these are the fastest growing and best of the best companies.  I would argue not even. Then I might argue that even if Covid ended tomorrow, the election gets hung up and we have a Cold War with China, these companies will continue to benefit and thrive from the digital transformation that has barely started. I will post the earnings dates for the 10 companies in the portfolio as soon as the last few have announced their dates.  Cheers!

User comment: I hope none of these happen so we don’t need to see if your theory is true.
Cheers !

Victor: Well…agree on the latter two, but Covid ending would be ok with me personally!!  😉

User comment: Actually you are correct
Covid can end NOW and that would be awesome.

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