Post 160; Oct. 13, 2020

While market indexes (Dow S&P Nasdaq) are down today, our portfolio is having yet another stunning surge.  Superlatives can no longer be found to do justice to this impressive 3 year trend that in my book is outshining the Lakers 18th NBA championship.  😉 I could never have fathomed 200% returns (3x) YTD and its only October.  Enjoy the ride…cheers!

User comment: I would personally like to extend a big THANK YOU Victor

User comment: I second that

User comment: Agreed, thanks Merlin

User comment: From me too!

User comment: Yes, sure has been an interesting ride!

Victor: Absolutely!  My pleasure.   Super stoked to have a tribe to share it all with…especially in the midst of sequestered Corona times… and if you have benefited from it financially also, even better!  

And please consider giving some back to those less fortunate.  Many are struggling out there right now….sickness, death, job loss, smokey air, no homes.  

I will take a brief moment to highlight my good friend Kinari’s 501c3 company called “Health in Harmony”. They are LITERALLY saving the rain forests by providing health care in Borneo, Madagascar and Brazil….that means they are trying to help control the wildfires here in California whose rainfall is directly dependent on those rainforests….AND I recently got her added as a donation choice selection in Fidelity’s Donor advised fund (and many other brokerages like Etrade, schwab, etc)….so if you are feeling generous… 😉. 

If you are not familiar with Donor Advised Funds, do yourself a HUGE favor and google it now to learn about them.  If you have EVER donated or plan to donate money after-tax gains assesses on the sale of stocks, you are shooting yourself in the foot… this vehicle allows you to donate the stock shares PRE-tax, avoid all the taxes on the gains you’ve realized on those shares and then donate ALL the money to the charity with no taxes incurred by you….effectively almost doubling the bang for your buck that you can give.  Basically, you get to give it to a worthy cause instead of Uncle Sam.  Much simpler than a Charitable trust and takes less than 5 minutes to set up with your broker.  Stay healthy, my dear friends!  Cheers!  -Victor

User comment: Thank you, Victor!!! You are the best!

User comment: Great idea Victor, I did not know about that

User comment: DAF also means (at least with Fidelity) you can give as little as $50 using appreciated stock. It’s a great thing. You deduct what you put into the DAF, then you can not deduct what grants you make from the fund – so you don’t deduct twice! We put the equivalent of three years’ typical donations into the DAV in one year, deducted that, and now am just taking the standard deduction for two years.

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...Scout's honor!
